Frequently asked questions.

What is MT Plastic Free?

MT Plastic Free is a small organization of Montana citizens who are concerned about the health and environmental impacts of plastics. We are working to put single-use plastic regulations on ballots across the state.

Do you focus only on plastics?

Yes. Plastics affect many aspects of our lives and environments, and MT Plastic Free is committed to reducing its negative impacts in Montana.

What would this initiative do if passed?

This regulation would prohibit businesses from distributing single-use plastic bags and styrofoam containers, for which sustainable, low-cost substitutes are readily available. It will also limit straws and beverage stirrers so that they are an “upon request” item only.

What if I need to use a plastic straw?

We understand that certain disabilities require the use of a straw. Straws will be available, but only upon request.

Are plastic bag bans effective?

Yes! On average, bans on single-use plastic bags can eliminate almost 300 plastic bags per person, per year. Researchers have found that plastic bag bans successfully reduce plastic bag litter by at least one-third wherever they have been implemented.

When would the initiative take effect?

This initiative would take effect on May 1, 2025 in Bozeman and Missoula.

Whom would it impact?

This initiative would impact everyone who utilizes single-use plastic items, as well as the businesses that provide them. To make this transition easier, we encourage people to begin (or continue) to bring their own bags to the store, and to refuse styrofoam containers whenever possible.

How much would this initiative cost taxpayers?

Nothing. This initiative would not cost the taxpayers of Montana anything.

Which cities are working on this initiative?

Bozeman and Missoula are collecting signatures to get this initiative on the November 2024 ballots in their respective cities.

How can I help?

So many ways! We need people to help gather signatures, to serve as general volunteers, and to help educate the community. We also need donations to help pay for advertising to get the word out! Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Whom should I contact if I want to get involved?

Please email to get involved with our initiative. Alternatively, you can navigate to the “Get Involved” page on our website and sign up there.

What would the consequences be for violating the ban?

The first offense would be a $1000 fine, and each subsequent offense a $2000 fine.

Can I make a financial contribution?

Yes! We would greatly appreciate donations of any amount! You can donate on our website or email for instructions on where to send a check.